UDC 330.3+378
N.V. Skachkova is Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Ass. Prof., Ass. Prof. at Department of professional training, technology and design at Tomsk State Pedagogical University
Analyzed is the problem of convergence of various branches of the natural sciences and the humanities due to the change in technological orders led to the emergence of the concept of technological convergence. Further development and formation of this concept led to the realization of the need to continue the safe development of the technosphere due to the emergence of fundamentally new technologies and resources that should be created on the basis of living objects in the ecosphere. The solution of such promising problems led to the emergence of convergent technologies based on the mutual penetration of nano-, bio-, information, cognitive and socio-humanitarian sciences. These technologies formed the basis for the formation of the concept of the fourth industrial revolution, formulated by K. Schwab. The technologies of the fourth industrial revolution entail global transformations of the technological order, the socio-culture of the ecosystem of modern human society, transform the physical world, cause human change and significantly transform the modern educational landscape. The origin and content of the term “Industry 4.0” has been determined. The analysis and characteristics of the main technologies of Industry 4.0, which are determined by socio-economic and revolutionary technological changes taking place in modern society, are presented. The influence of industry 4.0 technologies on the content of vocational education, teaching methods and forms of organizing educational activities is established. The problems of digital transformation of education, caused by cardinal and systemic changes associated with the emergence and promising development of industry 4.0 technologies, have been identified.
Key words: technological convergence, industry 4.0 technologies, digital transformation of vocational education.
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