UDC 378::339.5
E.I. Vasileva is Cand.Sci. (Sociology), Ass. Prof. at sub-faculty of Regional and Municipal management e-mail: vasilyeva-ekb@yandex.ru; and T.E. Zerchaninova is Cand.Sci. (Sociology), Ass. Prof., Head of sub-faculty of Regional and Municipal management e-mail: zerchaninova-te@ranepa.ru at Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)
Generalized is foreign practice in development of educational internalization. The paper uses methods of analysis of documents, statistical data, website content in the field of Higher education internalization, secondary analysis of sociological surveys. The article summarizes the world practice of higher education internalization development and identifies megatrends that determine directions of Higher education internalization development. The study of national strategies for development of education made it possible to identify five universal directions for development of Higher education internalization: provision of education that meets international standards and the formation of a brand of the national education system as having a high quality mark; expanding research activities by strengthening international research networks; promoting cooperation with members of the international community through international non-governmental organizations and international partnership; improving the infrastructure of educational organizations; and elaboration of plans for development of Higher education internalization in certain areas, reference groups. The practical significance of the research results lies in development of proposals for improving activities of state authorities and educational organizations of the Russian Federation in the field of Higher education internalization.
Key words: export, Higher education, foreign countries, internationalization, strategies.
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