UDC 378:308::004
V.G. Malakhova is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc. at Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University e‑mail: victory710@mail.ru; and T.N. Bokova is Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), prof., head of organizational publishing center and international cooperation at Institute for Strategy of Education by Russian Academy of Education e-mail: tnbokova@mail.ru
Presented is analysis of the role and prospects of education development in informational society. The article presents conceptual analysis of trends, that have significant impact on society development in postmodern era and on its education. Education, having sociocultural conditionality, traditionally reflects development of all those processes in society, that actively influence culture as systematic set of various forms of its manifestation. Education includes, on the one hand, translation of the culture, that is, it’s “sides, aspects, facets, abilities and properties”, and, on the other hand, the process of birth and preparation of its future state. It is in educational processes of today, that makes foundation for future existence and activity. The authors conducted the analysis of the postmodern ideas’ influence on modern education and identified a number of features: decentration as involvement of additional subjects into educational process, multiplicity, connectivity and heterogeneity represented by presence of variability of learning, individual educational trajectories, discreteness as opportunity to change educational route at any stage, subjectivity as adaptation of conditions of educational process to student’s reality and experience, event design as formation of student’s ability to give his own meaning to studied phenomena by the teacher’s creating conditions, in which students can get acquainted with various cultural perspectives and values, as well as deconstruction, negativity, deviation from ideals and the impossibility of holistic understanding of what is happening, openness, lack of rigid hierarchies, asymmetric opposition pairs and others.
Key words: postmodernism, education, information society, rhizome, challenges of the time.
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