УДК 304.44: 378.147: 39
N.V. Mikhailova is Cand.Sci. (History), doc. at Vladimir State University n.a. A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs e-mail: cnadezhda@yahoo.com
Researched is interdisciplinary as important tool for development of both modern science and education. The purpose of this article is to consider potential of using one of the key methods of modern social sciences, ethnographic method, as part of educational tasks in study of human arts students, by the example of culturologists. Results of educational experiment conducted among students of Vladimir state university are described, and some problems revealed during doing and presentation of work by students are highlighted, as well as some positive results associated with expressed intensification and development of cognitive, analytical, communicative, organizational skills of students.
Key words: ethnographic method, culturology, interdisciplinary, understanding, interpretation, reflection, participant observation, in-depth interview.
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