UDC 378.048.2
R.V. Borisov is Dr.Sci. (Engineering), prof. at St.-Petersburg Sea Technical University e-mail; rv2borisov@mail.ru
Examined is the problem of improving the system of defense of dissertations, now too bureaucratic and difficulty organized. The main shortcomings of current order of organization of defense are analyzed: limited number of councils in which it is possible to defend dissertation, constant increase in requirements for number of publications for applicants, members of the council, opponents, experts and other reviewers of abstracts, specialists of leading organizations, requirements for selection of opponents and leading organizations. All this is aimed only on one thing, i.e. full difficulty of defense. According to the author, the current procedure of dissertations defense leads to the waste of human potential and degradation of science and higher education.
Key words: dissertation, defense of dissertations, order of defence, shortcomings