Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


World-outlook and methodological foundations of lecturing in disciplines on techno-sphere safety

K.V. Chernov
80,00 ₽

K.V. Chernov is Cand.Sci. (Engineering), doc. at Ivanovo State Energy University n.a. V.I. Lenin e-mail:


Shown are stages of formation of educational direction for technospheric security. Presented are ideological positions of the founder of the direction prof. S.V. Belov. Content of worldview principle of universal evolutionism is revealed. Methods of safety methodology that optimize scientific thinking are defined. Content of sciological method is disclosed, the main principles of which are principles of substratum, substitution and adequacy. Conclusion is made, that application of sciological method leads to such influence on neurognostic and neurobehavioral components of the student’s scientifical system, as a result of which necessary and possible is formation of such culture of safety, that is corresponding to requirements of sustainable development of the biosphere.

Key words: techno-sphere security, educational direction, world-view outlook, universal evolutionism, knowledge, scietology.



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