D.M. Piskova is Cand.Sci, (Pedagogy), head of faculty e-mail: at Penza State Technological University; and S.I. Izaak is Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), prof. at Institute of World Civilizations e-mail:
Presented are results of investigation of components of personality structure of future teachers of vocational training. On the basis of statistical analysis of experimental data of personal qualities, there were identified eight personality profiles in learning process. Signs were identified, on which appear inter-typological differences: in the field orientation of individual and substantive components, in the field of psychological adaptation of personal adaptive capacity, behavior regulation, and communication, in the field of motivation motives for improvement of material security, life support, power, communication, and social significance of teaching profession. Developed were strategies as to formation of individualized programs of personal development with the aim of improving efficiency of communication skills.
Key words: structure of personality, professionally significant personal qualities, psychological testing, experimental analysis, strategies of development.
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