D.V. Kataev is Cand. of Sociological sci., doc. at Lipetsk State Pedagogical University
Discussed are reception, critique and further development of ideas of classic of sociology M. Weber in theoretical sociology. Shown are basic directions in system theoretical sociology, integrating ideas of Weber in modern sociological theories, i.e. consideration of Weber’s paradigm and systematic approach as two equivalent alternative approaches to the analysis of social reality; integration of certain aspects of systems’ theory into the theory of action (especially Weberian theory); inclusion of Weberian theory of action into general theory of systems as “super-theory”. Weber’s program, which should be marked as “macro theory of social order (spheres) on the base of the theory of actors action”, presupposes it’s actualization in modern theoretical discussion. Also analyzed are macro-aspects of Weber’s paradigm as to transition from micro- to macro-level and from macro- to micro-level.
Key words: weberianism, action theory, system theory, micro-sociology, macro-sociology, methodological individualism, holism.
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