Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


On the problem of staffing national technological sovereignty

Sergey V. Reznik
80,00 ₽
UDC 378:629.7:005.6
DOI 10.20339/AM.07-24.042

Sergey V. Reznik, Dr. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Head of Department SM-13, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, e-mail:

The issues of training specialists with higher technical education are considered in the light of the need to achieve national technological sovereignty. Russia’s withdrawal from the Bologna system initiated another reform of higher education. The content, forms and duration of education are being reviewed, and ways to reform technical universities are being discussed. In this paper, a comparative analysis of three models of technical universities is carried out — research, entrepreneurial and full innovation cycle. Possible changes in the setting of training sessions, the position of students and teachers are highlighted. It is noted that it is necessary to preserve the experience of domestic engineering education and a balanced attitude to the reform of universities in order to exclude a critical decline in the role of scientific schools and departments. The subjectivity of universities, as well as the loyalty of students and staff, will primarily be determined by the presence of advanced scientific schools, outstanding scientists, and not only the state of the campus and the commercialization of research and development results. The significant difference between the tasks facing departments and scientific and educational centers in personnel training is shown. Scientific and educational centers are aimed at research and development, and the educational process in them is of a secondary nature. In the vast majority of scientific and educational centers, do not have high-class working scientists in their composition, and the further they are from the departments, the less chance they have to create advanced scientific and technical products. In this regard, the fascination with clustering and the creation of research and educational centers independent of departments at universities from the standpoint of achieving genuine technological sovereignty is futile.

Keywords: higher education, technological sovereignty, technical university, department, scientific and educational center, individual educational trajectories



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