Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Adaptation of foreign students in the educational space of the university: Factors and conditions

M.N. Kicherova, E.A. Yurina
80,00 ₽

UDC 378-054.6
DOI 10.20339/AM.05-24.044

Marina N. Kicherova,
Ph.D. (Sociology),
Associate Professor of General and Economic Sociology Chair,
University of Tyumen,,
Researcher ID: Q-3629-2019, РИНЦ Author ID 504058,

Elizaveta A. Yurina,
Student of Sociology,
University of Tyumen,


The relevance of the problem is determined by the need to improve approaches to the adaptation and integration of foreign students, whose number is growing annually due to the processes of internationalization of higher education. The article presents an analysis of the best practices and experience of adaptation of foreign students in universities in different countries. According to the results of a study implemented at Tyumen State University using content analysis methods and semi-formalized interviews, problem areas of adaptation were identified, factors and conditions that form in the process of interaction between teachers and foreign students were revealed. Recommendations for university management are proposed, and forms of adaptation are highlighted, the potential of which is not fully used. The practical significance lies in the possibility of applying the results and conclusions for the development of university adaptation programs for foreign students.

Keywords: international students, internationalization of higher education, adaptation, integration, universities, factors of adaptation, academic adaptation




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