Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Анализ методов борьбы с молодежным экстремизмом

R.V. Ivanov

UDC 316.4-043.8/.9:323

DOI 10.20339/AM.09-23.099


Roman V. Ivanov, Cand. Sci. (History), Docent, Assistant Professor, Institute of Social Sciences at Irkutsk State University, e-mail:


The text of the article analyzes the causes of the increasing number of cases of youth terrorism and extremism. Against this social background, there is an increase in cohesion among population groups that are not directly involved in terrorist operations, while they have long-term traumatic consequences that cause changes in their behavioral attitude and life direction, increasing feelings of guilt. Patriotic education requires a unified State policy to prevent acts of extremism and terrorism among young people. The State should be the central institution that organizes and ensures the functioning of the entire system of patriotic education.

The patriotic education system of young people makes it possible to form and develop socially significant values, such as citizenship and patriotism. These qualities are formed during education and training in the process of public patriotic actions. Patriotic activity in educational institutions requires constant improvement.

Keywords: extremism, youth, social environment, methods of struggle, socialization, patriotism.



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