Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Конфликт идеологий и языковая политика (на примере армянского и русского языков)

V.V. Madoyan, S.Z. Sheyranyan



V.V. Madoyan is Dr.Sci. (Philology), prof.; and S.Z. Sheyranyan is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), researcher at Russian-Armenian (Slavic) University, Republic of Armenia e-mail: 


Researched is the theme of conflict of ideologies and language policy. Based of concrete example of Armenian and Russian languages, discussed are current questions of language policy from point of view of rights and freedoms of personality and dialectics of development of languages at present stage. At the level of rights of personality, evaluated are prospects of languages of national minorities, and at the level of development formulated are principles and methods of perfection of language by state regulation. The authors put forward new ideas and formulate new concepts, including concepts of “quality of language” and it’s separate components.

Key words: language policy, state language, language of national minorities, state regulation of language, quality of language.



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  4. The law of the RF “On state language of the Russian Federation”, no. 53-FZ RF from 01.06.2005.
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