Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


New scientific means of support of quality of higher education in the 21st century

Z.E. Tarutina


Z.E. Tarutina is cand. of Medicine, senior researcher at NAPN of the Ukraine



Examined is the problem of introducing of new scientific means of support of quality of higher professional education into practical activity of high schools. The author elaborates specificity of problems, which a modern higher education as a whole and concrete higher educational institutions are facing under conditions of swiftly developing internetization, fast technological changes in educational system. In particular attention is paid to the fact, that because of quantity of students, nearly closing to possible limit, aggravated by their highly non-homogeneous as to abilities contingent difficulties in guaranteeing quality of educational process have been increased. Substantiated is necessity of using in higher education achievements of new sciences about humans, i.e. genetics, ethology, neurobiology, etc. Given are concrete examples of practical using of the named sciences. Also proposed is using achievements of all exact sciences in the same aims.

Key words: general higher education, quality of education, competency, informational technologies, networks, science about humans, laws of work of the brain.



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