Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Development of potential of scientific and pedagogical cadres in technical high school as many-leveled educational complex

S.V. Sergeeva, O.A. Voskrekasenko, E.V. Kozlova
80,00 ₽


S.V. Sergeeva,

A Doctor of Science (pedagogy), professor,

The head of « The Pedagogy and Psychology of the Higher School Department»

Penza State Technological Academy


O.A. Voskrekasenko,

A candidate of Science (pedagogy), senior lecturer,

«The Pedagogy Department»

Penza State Pedagogical University


E.V. Kozlova

PhD student


Penza State Pedagogical University 

Presented is a variant for solving the problem of development of potential of scientific and pedagogical cadres in technical high school as many-leveled educational complex on the basis of ideas of corporate education and network approach. Also presented is the author’s program of “Raising professional competency of pedagogues in technical high school as many-leveled educational complex”, appearing as a mean for qualitative cadres’ guaranteeing of educational process in technical high school.

Key words: pedagogical and scientific pedagogical cadres, training and re-training of cadres, technical high school as many-leveled educational complex, program. 


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