Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Russian Noospheric University: Conceptual Design Experience

G.S. Smirnov, D.G. Smirnov, M.A. Melikyan
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UDC 1:378        


Grigory S. Smirnov, Dr. Sc. (Philosophy), Prof., Professor of the Philosophy Department, Head of the Integrated Noospheric Research center at Ivanovo State University, e-mail:

Dmitry G. Smirnov, Dr. Sc. (Philosophy), Docent, Head of the Philosophy Department at Ivanovo State University, e-mail:

Merine A. Melikyan, Cand. Sc. (Philosophy), Lecturer of the Philosophy Department at Ivanovo State University, e-mail:


The article is devoted to the historical, theoretical and applied aspects of the Russian noospheric university systemic engineering. The authors show that the origins of noospheric university idea discover themselves in the scientific and social work of V.I. Vernadsky, to be more specific — his doctrine of biosphere into noosphere transition. The personalistic aspects of the birth of the noospheric educational paradigm are outlined. The main stages in the education problems development within the framework of the activities of the Ivanovo noospheric school are fixed. The conceptual dynamics of the development of the theory and practice of the Russian noospheric university in its three models is shown. The classical one is driven by the slogan “scientific thought as a planetary phenomenon”. The non-classical one unfolds from the N.N. Moiseev’s idea about the collective mind. Post-non-classical model is based on synergistic ideas about Cephalization of noosphere. It is concluded that for these three models the principle of correspondence is relevant, which implies the inclusion of each previous theory in the next one. It is substantiated that the modern methodology of the noospheric university is inextricably linked with the dynamics of the transition from the concept of “generally-human” to the ideas of “all-human”. The interrelation of the real and virtual noospheric university in the development of the educational space is revealed. The influence of the noospheric university on the practices of sustainable development of the region is outlined.

Keywords: noosphere, scientific thought as a planetary phenomenon, noospheric university, classical university, knowledge universe, non-classical university, Collective Mind, noospheric picture of the world, post-non-classical university, techno-social cephalization, noospheric cephalization, virtual noospheric university.



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