Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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New trends in global technological revolution

S.B. Bondarenko
80,00 ₽

UDC 008


S.B. Bondarenko is Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Prof. at Kursk State University e-mail:


Presented is the analysis of the problem of methodology of describing of the global technological revolution (GTR). The differences between the industrial revolutions and the GTR are explained. The concepts of attributes, directions, stages and trends of GTR are analyzed and defined. The heuristic usefulness of the concept of tendency for describing the GTR mechanism is substantiated. The practical significance of the basic technical means of cognition, which is used in conducting accurate measurements, is explained. The periodization of GTR is given with the help of the proposed conceptual apparatus.  The practical significance of new trends is shown. The basics of the theory of lightning war and the reasons for its creation in the era of GTR are analyzed. The reasons for the popularity of the idea of blitzkrieg in developed countries are explained. The conclusion is substantiated that the most important features of the confrontation of militarism and antimilitarism in the 20th–21st centuries are generated by new trends in the GTR.

Key words: science, technic, globalization, technological revolution, direction, trend, measurement, militarization.



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