Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Analysis of motivation of generation Z to make conscious choice of life strategy (example of Arkhangelsk)

T.A. Blynskaya, K.O. Malinina
80,00 ₽

UDC 316.6-053(470+571-32)  


T.A. Blynskaya is PhD in agricultural science, Senior researcher e-mail:; and K.O. Malinina is PhD in Sociology, Chief of the Laboratory e-mail: Both of the Laboratory of the Russian Federation’s arctic regions’ socio-cultural dynamic and developmentat at N.P. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences


Analyzed is educational motivation of senior school pupils. Theoretical part of the work includes analysis of the theory of generations, taking into account Russian conditions. Modern senior school pupils (born in 2003), according to generation theory, belong to generation Z. Empirical study was carried out in schools оf city of Arkhangelsk. Objects of the research were both teachers and students of 9–11 ages. As a result of the work, it was revealed, that in senior school age, success of education largely depends on cognitive interest of pupils. In such situation, certain contradiction arises: on the one hand, teacher must arouse interest in schoolchildren, manage this interest, develop and improve. On the other hand, if pupils are in lack cognitive interest as a motive for educational activity, it is difficult for teacher to arouse this interest on his own. In the process of interviewing teachers, the majority of informants expressed opinion, that impossible is to motivate pupil, if he don’t want. Teachers think that reasons for unformed interest are uncomfortable conditions for teachers in the system of education, as well as the lack of innovations in that system.

Key words: theory of generations, values, generation Z, motivation, life strategy, human potential.


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