Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Formation of endowment fonds as a possible way to overcome “institutional trap” because of underfinancing of Russian higher education

Yu.V. Sorokhina
80,00 ₽


Yu.V. Sorokhina
Post-graduate student  at the specialty "Economics and Management of National Economy" South-Russian State University of Economics and Service
Analyzed is the essence of endowment fonds and rationalism of introducing of them into Russian universities to come out of “institutional trap” because of underfinancing of higher education. The author’s SWOT analysis opens a possibility to presuppose that expedient is formation of endowment fonds in Russian high schools, despite of many risks connected with their newness, that must result in raising of quality of educational and academic activity of universities.
Key words: endowment fond, “institutional trap”, higher professional education, underfinancing, sources of financing, high schools, donor
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