Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Development of critical thinking of students of a technical university in the study of language disciplines

O.N. Khan
80,00 ₽

UDC 378+37.01/.02    


Olga N. Khan, Candidate of Pedagogy, Docent, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign languages and intercultural communications at Ural State University of Railway Transport, е-mail:


The article is devoted to the actual problem of the development of critical thinking of students of a technical university in the study of the disciplines “Russian language and business communications”, “Russian language and ethics of business communication”. Critical thinking is considered as a component of the professional competence of an engineer and an indicator of the development of creative engineering thinking; it is emphasized that it is at the stage of transition to a special format of education at the university in the junior years that the disciplines of the language cycle have unique opportunities for systematizing and streamlining the thinking process. The article analyzes approaches to the concept of critical thinking in Russian and foreign psychological and pedagogical literature, gives its generalized definition, and, based on monitoring the activities of the teacher and students, generalizes the features of the organization and possibilities of classes that contribute to the development of critical thinking. It is emphasized that the process of critical reflection is based on the ability to handle information: perceive, systematize, highlight the main thing, reproduce taking into account rethinking; At the same time, such quality as independence in working with information acquires special importance. The qualities that contribute to the formation of critical thinking are also determined: self-confidence, tolerance for other people's opinions, the ability to work in a team. The article emphasizes the need to organize learning as a two-way process, the efforts of both sides of the educational process, the presence of a challenge from the teacher in each lesson, its acceptance by students and joint reflection.

Keywords: critical thinking, learning, cognitive activity, joint activity, interaction, perception of information, reflection, feedback, independent work.



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