Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Features of “public literacy”: M.S. Koutorga in the space of higher education of Russia and Europe

V.K. Pichugina, A.Yu. Mozhaysky
80,00 ₽

UDC 378

V.K. Pichugina is Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc., leading scientific researcher Е-mail:; and A.Yu. Mozhaysky is Cand.Sci. (History), senior scientific researcher Е-mail: at Institute for Strategy of Development of Education REA


Characterized are milestones in scientific and pedagogical activities of professor of St. Petersburg (1835–1869) and Moscow (1869–1874) Universities M.S. Koutorga. Out of numerable sources, that give an overview of his life path, those ones were selected that allow us to see how he integrated into Higher educational spaces of Russia and Europe. Special attention is given to his trip abroad on which Koutorga went along with other students of Professors Institute (1833–1835) around Greece and Egypt (1860–1861). His works on educational issues that he discussed mainly in the context of development of national higher education are analyzed. By correlating civic and mental, ancient and modern education, Koutorga asserts the need to establish Western education in Russia, but not through emulating it uncritically, but by appealing to meaningful samples of scientific knowledge. In his understanding, higher education should be deeply rooted in joint academic search of teacher and students. Two manuscripts from Archive Fund 410, Manuscript Department of the National Library of Russia, that contain information on M.S. Koutorga activities at St. Petersburg University, are published for the first time. The first one is a discussion of origins of ancient Greek scholarship, and the second presumably contains M.S. Koutorga lecture notes on education and erudition.

Key words: M.S. Koutorga, history of higher education, education of the people, educational space.



1.         Belinsky, V.G. Complete collection of works. Moscow, 1956. Vol. 11.

2.         Georgievsky, A.I. Letters of M.S. Koutorga. OR RNB. F. 410. Ed. hr. 118.

3.         Reflections of Kutorgi on “Science and its significance in the state”. Vestnik of Europe. 1873. Vol. 3. P. 451–463.

4.         Destunis, G. Mikhail Semenovich Kutorga. Reminecences and scetches. ZhMNP. 1886. Ch. 246 (No. 7). P. 1–12.

5.         Imperatorsky, St. Petersburg University during first 50th years of its being. St. Petersburg, 1870.

6.         Konstantinova, A.D. M.S. Kutorga as historian the Antiquity. Kazan, 1966.

7.         Kutorga, M.S. Introduction into history of ancient Greek education. ZhMNP. 1867. Ch. 133 (No. 1). P. 154–172.

8.         Kutorga, M.S. On science and its significance in the state. Russian vestnik. 1873. Vol. 104. P. 5–61.

9.         Kutorga, M.S. On poetic and philosophical side of Athenian education. St. Petersburg, 1843.

10.       Kutorga, M.S. On education. OR RNB. F. 410. Ed. hr. 72. L. 1–9.

11.       Kutorga M.S. On attitude to nationality to narodnost. OR RNB. F. 410. Ed. hr. 72. L. 9–11.

12.       Kutorga, M.S. Thoughts on development of personality. OR RNB. F. 410. Ed. hr. 255.

13.       Kutorga, M.S. Collection of works. St. Petersburg, 1894. Vol. 1.

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16.       Letters by P.I. Preys to M.S. Kutorga, I.I. Sreznevsky, P.O. Shafarik, and Kurshatu, etc. (1836–1846). St. Petersburg, 1892.

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18.       Skvortsov, A.M. M.S. Kutorga and his Antique science school (to 200 birth anniversary of Mikhail Semenovich Kutorga). Vestnik of Chelyabinsk state university. 2009. No. 12 (150). P. 125–130.

19.       Sreznevsky, I.I. Travel letters by Izmail Ivanovich Sreznevskogo from Slav lands: 1839–1842. St. Petersburg, 1895.

20.       Uvarov, S.S. Report on viewing of Moscow university. In: Collection of orders of the Ministertry of peoples education. St. Petersburg, 1875.

21.       Administrator of the Ministry of peoples education. Letter to M.S. Kutorga, following the project of Regulations of universities (1862). OR RNB. F. 410. Ed. hr. 181.

22.       Ustryalov, F.N. Recollections of Sankt-Petersburg University, 1852–1856. Historical vestnik. 1884 (August). P. 287–312.

23.       Chernyshevsky, N.G. Complete collection of works. Moscow, 1939. Vol. 1.

24.       Marcone, A. Pietroburgo — Roma — Berlino: L’Incontro di M.I. Rostovtzeff con l’Altertumswissenschafttedesca. Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte. 1992. Bd. 41, H. 1. P. 1–13.