Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Formation of final assessment of discipline within rating system

S.K. Sobolev, N.I. Sidnyaev
80,00 ₽


S.K. Sobolev is Cand.Sci. (Physics & Mathematics), doc. e-mail: ; and N.I. Sidnyaev is Dr.Sci. (Technics), prof., head of sub-faculty e-mail:

at Bauman Moscow State Technical University


Researched are alternative methods of forming the assessment on exam within the rating system and the final rating on discipline. Possibilities of multiplicative method of scoring for exam taking into account key questions in the ticket are discussed. The article points out shortcomings of traditional method of calculating the final rating for discipline. A non-additive method for calculating the final rating is proposed, that optimally meets established requirements. The material will be useful for teachers and methodologists, as well as it may be in demand for special departments of technical universities.

Key words: rating, exam, assessment, discipline, method, knowledge, academic performance.



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