Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Methodology for estimation of state educational policy, based on ideological educational logistic, on regulation of quality control of the system of higher professional education in international aspect

E.A. Zhitnov
80,00 ₽

E.A. Zhitnov is CandSci (Pedagogy), teacher at GBOU “School “Sviblovo”, the city of Moscow; Master in Law at Russian Foreign Trade Academy of Ministry of Economic development of the RF e-mail: 


Presented is brief description of the main educational problems in the system of higher professional education Substantiated is theoretical model of ideological and educational logistics in the sphere of control of regulation of quantitative and qualitative characteristics over activities of universities. Proposed is constructive system analysis of state policy in administration of VPO, bettering or worsening aim targets of economic growth in examining countries. Described are principal tendencies of national systems of education as fundament, guaranteeing growth of intellectual capital. Also for discussion presented is qualitative characteristic of state educational policy on regulation of presentation professor lecturing faculty in the system of VPO in international aspect.

Key words: education, higher professional education, state educational policy and ideological and educational logistics.


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