Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Anthropological problems of pedagogical cooperation. Part I. Origins and bor-ders of pedagogical cooperation

L.I. Lurie
80,00 ₽


L.I. Lourie is Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), prof., director Municipal Budgetary General Education Institution “Lyceum no. 1” of the city of Perm, prof. of sub-faculty of mathematical modeling of systems and processes of Perm National Research Polytechnic University, prof. of sub-faculty of theory and methodology of professional education of Perm military Institute of Internal troops of Russia, the winner of the prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education, honored teacher of the RF e-mail:

Considered are problems of personal and social pedagogical cooperation under conditions of innovative operation in modern education. Shown are aims and objectives of such cooperation, levels, scopes and prospects of interaction of subjects of education, and highlighted are terms of organization of pedagogical cooperation in educational institutions. Identified are contextual factors of interaction of entities of education. It is stated, that approach to anthropological border, separating the known scientific facts and new cognition of the world, develops experience in life complex in complex. Conclusion is made, that cooperation of education entities can not only develop a person-oriented path of development, but also to “place” this path in “mainstream” of aspirations and interests of different entities of education and the society as a whole.

Key words: pedagogical cooperation, anthropology, development of personality and of educational communities, cultural orientation of educational activities, anthropological borders of cooperation.



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