Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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“Macdonaldization” of higher school under contemporary Russian conditions: sociological discourse

A.L. Kuzevanova, A.I. Vagabova
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A.L. Kuzevanova is Dr.Sci. (Sociology), doc., head of sub-faculty e-mail:; and A.I. Vagabova is master student e-mail:

at Volgograd Institute of Management — branch of RANKHiGS under the President of the RF


Presented is analysis of results of comprehensive sociological survey, aimed at identifying principal characteristics of the process of “McDonaldization” in contemporary Russian higher education. Described is characteristic of the notion of “McDonaldization” of higher school. The authors come to the conclusion, that being “McDonaldizated”, higher school under contemporary Russian conditions is being influenced by principal formal principles, connected with requirements of standardization of educational process and the system of evaluation of educational achievements of students, as well as accentuation attention on quantitative indexes, and also with formation of conditions for creating effect, with help of which are being compared sociological data, obtained as result of questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews with students and university professors.

Key words: higher school, higher education, “McDonaldization”, formal rationality, efficiency, predictability, dehumanization of education, standardization.




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